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Yes, when preparing photographic offers, the level of difficulty of the photographed products is one of the important factors to consider. Products that are difficult to photograph require more work and time than those that are easier to capture. For example, if we are photographing products that reflect light or have irregular shapes, it may require the use of special lighting or setting up appropriate angles, which increases the time and cost of work.

Similarly, products that require more complex arrangement and styling, such as furniture or jewelry, also require more work and time than those that are easier to photograph, such as food or electronics.

The pricing of a photographic offer should take into account the level of difficulty of the photographed products, as well as the costs associated with using equipment and software for photo editing, time and work devoted to editing and preparing photos for use, as well as artistic and aesthetic value.

The minimum order is 49 euro.

Prices depend on the type and quantity of ordered photos.