Project Visual Identity

Personal trainer Paulina Targańska has decided to rebrand her brand to fully reflect the values and goals she communicates to her clients. As part of the rebranding, a new visual platform for training was created, as well as a new logo, business cards, social media banners, and a photo shoot was conducted to create an intro and other visual identity elements.

The new visual platform for training was created in a way that fully reflects the character and style of the brand. The appropriate colors, fonts, and graphic elements were used to facilitate brand recognition and convey its values. The visual design is simple, elegant, and functional, allowing for easy navigation of the training platform.

The logo was created based on the new visual platform for training, ensuring consistency and a uniform appearance of the brand across different media. The logo is simple yet unique and easily recognizable, allowing for effective brand communication.

The business cards and social media banners were designed in a way that fully reflects the character and style of the brand. The appropriate colors, fonts, and graphic elements were used to facilitate brand recognition and convey its values. The business cards and banners are simple yet original and easily recognizable, allowing for effective brand promotion.

The photo shoot was conducted in a way that best captures the character and style of the brand. The appropriate colors, lighting, and props were used to facilitate brand recognition and convey its values. The photos are simple yet original and easily recognizable, allowing for effective brand promotion.

The intro and other visual identity elements were created in a way that best captures the character and style of the brand. The appropriate colors, fonts, and graphic elements were used to facilitate brand recognition and convey its values. The intro and other elements are simple yet original and easily recognizable, allowing for effective brand promotion.

In summary, the rebranding done for personal trainer Paulina Targańska has created a consistent and effective visual identity for the brand, fully reflecting its character and style.